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Fig. 7 | Rice

Fig. 7

From: The Mediator Subunit OsMED16 Interacts with the WRKY Transcription Factor OsWRKY45 to Enhance Rice Resistance Against Magnaporthe oryzae

Fig. 7

Proposed working model of the OsMED16 in the rice immune response against Magnaporthe oryzae. When Magnaporthe oryzae infection is perceived d by rice, On the one hand, OsWRKY45 will interact with OsMED16 to recruit RNA Pol II to the promoter region of downstream target genes of OsWRKY45, and activate the expression of target genes such as OsCYP99A3, OsKSL10, and OsDPF. On the other hand, OsWRKY62 will interact with OsWRKY45 to form a heterodimer, and then transmit the information to the Mediator complex through the interaction of OsWRKY45 and OsMED16, which will recruit more RNA Pol II to activate the expression of downstream DP genes. Finally, the immune response to Magnaporthe oryzae was enhanced in rice. Pol II, RNA polymerase II. DP gene, diterpenoid phytoalexin biosynthesis gene

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