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Fig. 1 | Rice

Fig. 1

From: Elevated CO2 Priming as a Sustainable Approach to Increasing Rice Tiller Number and Yield Potential

Fig. 1

Phased exposure to eCO2 leads to increased tillering in rice. A Images of 49 day old IR64 grown in CE chambers. Plants were grown at either aCO2, or transferred to aCO2 from eCO2 after 21d, 28d, or 35d or grown exclusively at eCO2. B Number of tillers per plant at 49 DAS (n = 7/8). C, F IR64-circles, D, G MR219-triangles, E, H MR263-squares. CE Number of tillers per plant over time. Yellow shapes represent plants eCO2-primed for 28 days, then transferred to aCO2. Blue shapes represent plants grown continuously at aCO2. FH eCO2-primed IR64 plants (F) and MR263 plants (H) had more tillers at 43 days after sowing. MR219 plants G did not have a significantly different number of tillers after priming (unpaired t-test, p values as shown or *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.005, n = 9/10). Anomalous results (circled in G, H) are excluded from the statistical analysis

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