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Fig. 9 | Rice

Fig. 9

From: Genome-Wide Association Study for Yield and Yield Related Traits under Reproductive Stage Drought in a Diverse indica-aus Rice Panel

Fig. 9

Allelic variation at the significant GWAS-identified loci analysed to detect percentage composition of allelic profile in the selected 7 promising accessions based on presence of major or minor allele contibuting the phenotypic performance for tolerance under reproductive stage drought in lowland- LL_S and upland- UL_S in the two seasons for a. DTF; b. PH; c. GY. The five classes identified include three with loci where major allele present in all selected accessions contributed to trait mean under – LL_S + UL_S(cl-l); only UL_S (cl-ll) and only LL_S (cl-lll) while the fourth class comprises loci with minor allele present in selected accessions contributing to trait mean under both LL_S + UL_S(cl-IV). Class V (cl-V) comprises all the remaining loci out of the analysed 94, with neither major nor minor allele contributing to phenotypic performance for tolerance under drought in the selected accessions. The ClassV loci were analysed for contribution to low yield in 12 susceptible lines across LL_S and UL_S in either or both WS and DS. The variability in allelic variation for GY in the 12 susceptible accessions is depicted in the bar graph, divided in two categories-susceptible in both stress environments in DS only and in both seasons-WS and DS. d. Validation of selected accessions based on percentage of allelic variation contributing to grain yield under LL_S and UL_S- loci with favorable allele in each the selected accessions is divided along the first four classes and loci with unfavourable allele in each acession is represented by class V. The cumulative favourable allelic percentage of each accession associated with higher yield under drought is depicted by the percentage value mentioned on top of the bar columns. Details for loci associated with GY are mentioned in Table S6

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