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Fig. 2 | Rice

Fig. 2

From: OsRLCK 57, OsRLCK107 and OsRLCK118 Positively Regulate Chitin- and PGN-Induced Immunity in Rice

Fig. 2

OsRLCK57, OsRLCK107 and OsRLCK118 are involved in chitin- and PGN-triggered immunity in rice. a RNAi silencing of OsRLCKs compromise the burst of ROS induced by chitin and PGN. OsRLCK57-RNAi, OsRLCK107-RNAi, OsRLCK118-RNAi or empty vector (1301) transgenic callus cells were treated with 100 μg/mL chitin, PGN or sterile water (for mock) for 120 min in dark before assayed. The data represents the mean ± standard deviation (SD) from three biological replicates. Statistically significant differences for OsRLCK-RNAi compared with the 1301 were calculated using Student’s t-test and indicated by asterisks (*P < 0.05). b RNAi silencing of OsRLCKs compromise the induction of PR genes by chitin and PGN. OsPR5, OsPR10, PAL and PBZ1 were determined by quantitative RT-PCR after 6 h treatments with 100 μg/mL chitin, PGN, LPS or sterile water (for mock) in dark. Empty vector (1301) transgenic callus cells were used as control. The data represents the mean ± standard deviation (SD) from three biological replicates. Statistically significant differences for OsRLCK-RNAi compared with the 1301 were calculated using Student’s t-test and indicated by asterisks (*P < 0.05)

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