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Fig. 2 | Rice

Fig. 2

From: Identification of Novel Quantitative Trait Loci for Culm Thickness of Rice Derived from Strong-Culm Landrace in Japan, Omachi

Fig. 2

Correlation among the traits in RILs. a Correlation matrix among extracted traits in RILs. The lower and upper triangular matrix shows the correlation coefficient in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Numbers on the diagonal indicate correlation coefficients between two years. A figure with all traits is shown in Additional file 1: Fig. S3. b, c Correlation between DTH and CD5 (b), and between DTH and SBN (c). Top: 2020, bottom: 2021. Black plots indicate lines which omitted from QTL analysis (lines whose DTH were over 140). Abbreviations: DTH: Days to heading, CL: Culm length, PN: Number of panicles, BM5: Bending moment at breaking of 5th internode, CD5: Culm diameter of 5th internode, BS5: Bending stress of 5th internode, SBN: Number of secondary branches, SN: Number of spikelets per panicle, GW: Grain width

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