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Fig. 7 | Rice

Fig. 7

From: An Adenylate Kinase OsAK3 Involves Brassinosteroid Signaling and Grain Length in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Fig. 7

RNA-seq shows that OsAK3 is involved in multiple metabolic pathways. a Hierarchical clustering of the DEGs between DJ and osak3 mutant plants. Each line with three biological replicates. DEGs were defined by absolute log2 Fold Change > 1 and P value < 0.05. Scale bar shows fold changes, values are normalized by z-score scheme, red and blue color indicate up- and down-regulated, respectively. b Volcano map of DEGs between DJ and osak3. c Significantly enriched GO terms of DEGs between DJ and osak3. GO terms were sorted based on FDR-adjusted P value < 0.05

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