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Fig. 1 | Rice

Fig. 1

From: UvAtg8-Mediated Autophagy Regulates Fungal Growth, Stress Responses, Conidiation, and Pathogenesis in Ustilaginoidea virens

Fig. 1

Evolution analysis of UvAtg8. a, The mutiple alignment of amino acid sequences of UvAtg8, ScAtg8, and MoAtg8. The identitical amino acid were shaded in solid black, and the amino acids with 50 % similarity were highlighted in gray. b, Phylogenetic tree of Atg8 orthologs from different fungi was constructed by MEGA 5.0 using the neighbour-joining method. The sequences included FgAtg8 (Fusarium graminearum, XP_001392077.1), AnAtg8 (Aspergillus niger, XP_001392077.1), NcAtg8 (Neurospora crassa, XP_956248.1), UvAtg8 (Ustilaginoidea virens, KDB12146.1), MbAtg8 (Metarhizium brunneum, XP_014545792.1), SsAtg8 (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, XP_001597408.1), MoAtg8 (Magnaporthe oryzae, XP_003717877.1), CcAtg8 (Coprinopsis cinerea, XP_001833603.1), and ScAtg8 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, NP_009475.1)

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