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Fig. 6 | Rice

Fig. 6

From: Natural Diversity in Stomatal Features of Cultivated and Wild Oryza Species

Fig. 6

Box plots represent the diversity in guard cell size in Oryza; Sativa, Officinalis and M-R-O (Meyeriana, Ridleyi and Others) complexes. A detailed value scored for each species, and range of diversity for each complex is given in Table S3 and in Table S4. GCL, GCW were measured from 25 random stomatal images for each species. Boxes shows 25th to 75th percentile, horizontal line represents the median and whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values. Different letters represent significant difference in different complexes for the trait (at P < 0.05). The values on the adaxial leaf side are of excluding O. coarctata. Sativa complex contains eight, Officinalis complex contains nine, and M-R-O contains six Oryza species

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