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Fig. 4 | Rice

Fig. 4

From: Isolation of TSCD11 Gene for Early Chloroplast Development under High Temperature in Rice

Fig. 4

Phylogenic analysis of TSCD11. a, Amino acid sequence alignment of 10 types of TSCD11 homologs. Fully or partially conserved amino acids are shaded blue and pink, respectively. b, Phylogenic tree of TSCD11 and its homologs. Protein sequences are Oryza sativa (Os XP_015615389.1), Brachypodium distachyon (Bd XP_003577370.1), Sorghum bicolor (Sb XP_002449841.1), Setaria italica (Si XP_004979699.1), Triticum turgidum (Tt VAI29997.1), Aegilops tauschii (At XP_020170590.1), Zea mays (Zm NP_001292796.1), Medicago truncatula (Mt XP_003602834.1), Cicer arietinum (Ca XP_004501691.1), Arachis ipaensis (Ai XP_016163653.1). The phylogenetic tree was constructed by MEGA version 6.0 software based on the neighbor-joining method (1000 replicates). Scale represents percentage substitution per site. Statistical support for the nodes is indicated

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