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Fig. 3 | Rice

Fig. 3

From: Genetic Effects of Soluble Starch Synthase IV-2 and It with ADPglucose Pyrophorylase Large Unit and Pullulanase on Rice Qualities

Fig. 3

Comparison of starch physicochemical properties among different SSIV-2 genotypes in BC1F12 and BC1F13 generation. a Gel consistency (GC); b Peak viscosity (PKV); c Setback viscosity (SBV); d Breakdown viscosity (BDV); e Gelatinization temperature (GT); f Percent of retrogradation (PR). Each column represents the mean ± standard deviation. Lowercase and capital letters above column denote significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. G denotes homozygous for GZ63S, C and H denotes homozygous for CG173R and heterozygote, respectively. Each sample was repeated twice

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