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Fig. 3 | Rice

Fig. 3

From: Genome-wide association mapping of resistance against rice blast strains in South China and identification of a new Pik allele

Fig. 3

Relationship between QTL50 and Pik and the AvrPik sequences in the three isolates a SNP-11.27701887 is the most significant SNP that is associated with resistance to all three M. oryze isolates in QTL50. b SNP-11.27701887 alleles distribution in the 234 RDP1 cultivars. CC, AA and OTs represent the genotype AA, CC and other type of SNP-11.27701887, respectively. c Sequence alignment of the AvrPik amino acid sequences using ClustalW. Shading fonts indicate common amino acid residues in the alleles. d Phylogeny tree of the AvrPik genes from three M. oryze isolates

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