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Fig. 3 | Rice

Fig. 3

From: mRNA-Seq Reveals a Comprehensive Transcriptome Profile of Rice under Phosphate Stress

Fig. 3

Transcripts identified in RAP annotations and 44 K microarray probes. Unique transcripts mapped to the genome were classified as follows: (1) transcripts with match in RAD-DB annotation and microarray, (2) transcripts with match in RAP-DB annotation but no match in microarray, and (3) unannotated transcripts identified by the Cufflinks program. In both root and shoot samples, about 95% of transcripts were supported by the microarray probes. About 50% of transcripts not identified by the array matched with the RAP-DB transcripts. A total of 10,388 unique unannotated transcripts were identified by Cufflinks program.

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