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Fig. 2 | Rice

Fig. 2

From: OsNAC103, a NAC Transcription Factor, Positively Regulates Leaf Senescence and Plant Architecture in Rice

Fig. 2

Transcriptional activation assay of OsNAC103. A Illustration of fusion vectors with different truncations of OsNAC103 and GAL4-BD. GAL4-BD and GAL4-AD represent the DNA-binding and activation domain of GAL4 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively. CDS represents the full-length CDS sequence of OsNAC103, 1–179 and 180–346 represent the truncated fragments of OsNAC103. B The assay of transcriptional activation of OsNAC103. Yeasts with different fusion vectors grow in single and triple deficient medium. 1 and 2 are two independent repeats. SD/-Trp represents the single-deficiency medium lacking tryptophan (Trp). SD/-THA represents the triple-deficiency medium lacking tryptophan (T), histidine (H), and adenine (A)

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