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Fig. 4 | Rice

Fig. 4

From: MKK3 Cascade Regulates Seed Dormancy Through a Negative Feedback Loop Modulating ABA Signal in Rice

Fig. 4

Germination phenotype of Crispr lines. A Schematic of four Crispr lines. Red letters indicate the exon sequences, blue letters indicate the intron sequences, green letters indicate the inserted nucleotide and black letters indicate amino acids. Dashs indicate the deleted nucleotides. Asterisks indicate termination codons. PAM, protospacer adjacent motif. Red triangles indicate the target position. B Germination phenotype of OsMKK3/OsMFT2 Crispr lines. The germination rates were calculated at 12 h intervals. Values represent the mean ± SD of three biological replicates (30 dehusked seeds for each replicate)

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