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Fig. 3 | Rice

Fig. 3

From: Identification of a Seed Vigor–Related QTL Cluster Associated with Weed Competitive Ability in Direct–Seeded Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

Fig. 3

Fine mapping of the QTL cluster for seed vigor on Chr. 11. a, The QTL cluster region targeted in substituted donor segment of the CSSL 7Lx218. b, Substitution mapping of the QTL cluster, showing genotype and phenotype of the NILs composed of 5 recombinants along with 7Lx218 and Xs134 (receptor parent). Seed germinability (GP, GE, and GI) and seedling vigor (RL, SL, and RN at 14 DAI) are expressed as means ± standard deviation (SD). The different superscript letters (A and B) mean that their genotypic means significantly differ at p < 0.01; the same superscript letters (A and A) mean that their genotypic means have no significant difference at p > 0.1. c, Morphological characteristics of the NIL 7Lx218-361 and Xs134 under hydroponic culture condition at 21 DAI.

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