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Fig. 1 | Rice

Fig. 1

From: Genome-wide Association Mapping of Cold Tolerance Genes at the Seedling Stage in Rice

Fig. 1

Phenotypic structure of the rice diversity panel1 (RDP1) in response to cold treatment. a The phenotype distribution of 295 rice accessions. The X-axis is cold tolerance scores (1–9); Y-axis represents the numbers of cultivars of each score. b The rice accession numbers (left Y-axis) of each subspecies (X-axis) used in the study and the average cold tolerance scores (right Y-axis) with error bars (STDE) for each subspecies. c The cold tolerance score structure (Y-axis) of rice accessions in each subspecies (X-axis). The circle size represents the number of rice cultivars for the corresponding cold tolerance scores (Y-axis) in different subspecies (X-axis). d Correlation analysis between rice cold tolerance scores and its latitude distribution by linear regression analysis. X-axis is the cold tolerance score of tested rice cultivars. Y-axis is latitude of the cultivars. Light triangle is the latitude value of a cultivar in Y-axis with the corresponding cold tolerance score in X-axis. Black square linked with the line is the predicted latitude value. The predicted formula and R2 are shown on the top

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